Εἰς το ὄνομα τοῦ Πατρός καὶ τοῦ Υιοῦ καὶ τοῦ Ἁγίου Πνεύματος.
Με τὴν φαντασία μας, ἄς πᾶμε πίσω 2.000 χρόνια. Τὶ θαυμάσιο μᾶς συμβαίνει: σὲ μιὰ ἑβδομάδα κι ὁ κόσμος εἶναι διαφορετικός. Ὁ κόσμος ἦταν γιὰ χιλιάδες χρόνια σὰν ἕνα χαμένο πρόβατο, καὶ τὸ χαμένο πρόβατο τώρα βρέθηκε καὶ τὸ πῆρε στοὺς ὤμους Του, ὁ Υἱός τοῦ Θεοῦ, σὰν τον υἱό τοῦ ἀνθρώπου. Τὸ ἀγεφύρωτο κενό, ποὺ ἡ ἁμαρτία δημιούργησε ἀνάμεσα στὸν ἄνθρωπο καὶ τὸν Θεό, ἄρχισε ἐπιτέλους νὰ γεφυρώνεται· ὁ Θεός μπῆκε στὴν ἱστορία, ὁ ἴδιος ὁ Θεός ἔγινε ἄνθρωπος. Ὁ Θεός ἔλαβε σάρκα καί ὅλα ἔγιναν ὁρατά, αὐτό που ἀντιλαμβανόμαστε μεσ’ τὴν τυφλότητα μας σὰν κάποιο ἀδιάφορης σημασίας γεγονός μπορεί μέσα ἀπό Κεῖνον νὰ τὸ δούμε σαν δόξα. Κάτι ἀπόλυτα νέο συνέβη· ὁ κόσμος δὲν εἶναι πιά ὁ ἴδιος.
Ὡστόσο, ὑπάρχει καὶ μιά ἄλλη διάσταση στὴν Ἐνανθρώπιση. Ὁ Θεός ἔγινε ἄνθρωπος, ἀλλά ὁ Θεός σὰν Χριστός εἶπε ἀλήθειες καταλυτικές, ποὺ σταδιακά σὰν μαγιά ἔπεσαν στήν ζύμη καὶ ἄλλαξαν τὸν κόσμο· ὁ Θεός μᾶς ἀποκάλυψε το μεγαλεῖο τοῦ ἀνθρώπου. Τὸ ὅτι ὁ Χριστός ἔγινε ἄνθρωπος ἦταν ἀπόδειξη, εἶναι καὶ θὰ εἶναι ἀπόδειξη, ὅτι ὁ ἄνθρωπος εἶναι τόσο πλατύς, τόσο βαθύς, τόσο μυστηριωδῶς βαθύς, ποὺ θὰ μποροῦσε ὄχι μόνο νὰ γίνει ναός τῆς θείας παρουσίας, ἀλλά νὰ ἑνωθεῖ με τὸν Θεό (Ἐκείνον), νὰ γίνει μέτοχος τῆς θείας φύσης Του, ὅπως τὸ ἔθεσε ὁ Ἀπ. Πέτρος στὴν ἐπιστολή του. Καὶ πάλι, ὁ ἄνθρωπος εἶναι σπουδαῖος, κι ὅσο κι ἄν πέφτουμε κι ἀπομακρυνόμαστε ἀπό τὸν προορισμό μας, ὅσο ἀνάξιοι κι ἄν γινόμαστε γι’ αὐτόν, ὁ Θεός δὲν θὰ ἀποκαθιστοῦσε μαζί μας μιά σχέση, κατώτερη ἀπ’αὐτήν τῆς πατρότητας, της δικῆς Του, καὶ τῆς δικῆς μας θυγατρικῆς ἤ υἱκής ἰδιότητας στὴν ὑψηλότερη μορφή της. Ὁ ἄσωτος υἱός ζήτησε ἀπ’τὸν πατέρα του νὰ τὸν πάρει σαν μισθωτό, γιατί ἦταν ἀνάξιος νὰ λέγεται γυιός· ἀλλά ὁ πατέρας δὲν τὸ δέχτηκε. Ὅταν ὁ γυιός ὁμολόγησε, ὁ πατέρας τὸν σταμάτησε προτού προφέρει αὐτά τὰ λόγια, γιατί ὁ Θεός δὲν θέλει τὸν ἐξευτελισμό μας, δὲν εἴμαστε σκλάβοι ἤ μισθωτοί. Δὲν τὸ εἶπε ο Κύριος στους μαθητές Του «Δὲν σᾶς καλῶ πιὰ ὑπηρέτες, γιατί ὁ ὑπηρέτης δὲν γνωρίζει τὸ θέλημα τοῦ Κυρίου Του, κι ἐγώ θὰ σὰς πῶ τὰ πάντα»;
Να καὶ πάλι ἡ δήλωση ἀπό τὸν Χριστό καὶ μέσα ἀπό Ἐκεῖνον ὅτι τὸν νοιάζει ὁ καθένας ἀπό μᾶς, δὲν εἶναι γιὰ τὸ σύνολο ποὺ ἐνδιαφέρεται, ἀλλά γιὰ τὸν καθένα ἀπό μᾶς. Ὁ καθένας ἀπό μᾶς, λέει στὴν Ἀποκάλυψη, θὰ πάρει ἀπό τὸν Θεό ἕνα ὄνομα, ἕνα ὄνομα ποὺ θὰ μᾶς ἀποκαλυφθεῖ στὸ τέλος τῶν καιρῶν, ἀλλά ποὺ κανείς δὲν θὰ τὸ γνωρίζει παρά μόνο ὁ Θεός καὶ αὐτός ποὺ τὄχει, γιατί αὐτό τὸ ὄνομα θὰ εἶναι ἡ σχέση μας μὲ τὸν Θεό, μοναδική κι ἀνεπανάληπτη. Ὁ καθένας εἶναι μοναδικός γιά Ἐκεῖνον. Τὶ θαῦμα! Ὁ ἀρχαῖος κόσμος γνώριζε ἔθνη καὶ φυλές, ἤξερε ἡγεμόνες καὶ δούλους, ἤξερε κατηγορίες ἀνθρώπων, ὅπως ἀκριβῶς καὶ στὸν σύγχρονο κόσμο αὺτό γίνεται ὄχι μόνο κοσμικά ἀλλά εἰδωλολατρικά διακρίνουν κατηγορίες καὶ τύπους καὶ ὁμάδες· ὁ Θεός γνωρίζει μόνο ἄνδρες καὶ γυναῖκες ποὺ ζοῦν.
Καὶ τώρα μιά νέα νομοθεσία δημιουργήθηκε, ἤ μᾶλλον διακηρύχθηκε ἀπό Ἐκεῖνον, ὄχι δικαιωτικός καὶ τιμωρητικός νόμος, ἀλλά μιά ἄλλη δικαιοσύνη. Ὅταν ὁ Χριστός μᾶς εἶπε «ἄς ἀφήσουμε τὴν δικαιοσύνη πέρα ἀπ’ ὅσα οἱ γραμματεῖς καὶ φαρισαῖοι λένε». Μιλοῦσε γιά τὸν τρόπο ποὺ θὰ φερόταν ὁ Θεός στὸν καθένα μας. Δέχεται τὸν καθένα μας ὅπως εἶναι. Δέχεται καλό καὶ κακό. Ἀγάλλεται στὸ καλό καὶ πεθαίνει ἐξαιτίας καὶ γιά χάρη αὐτοῦ ποὺ εἶναι τὸ κακό. Κι αὐτό που μᾶς καλεῖ ὁ Χριστός νὰ θυμόμαστε, κι αὐτό που μᾶς καλεῖ νἄμαστε καὶ νὰ ἀντανακλοῦμε μὲ τὴν συμπεριφορά μας, ὄχι μόνο μέσα στὸν χριστιανικό μας κύκλο, ἀλλά σ’ ὅλο τὸν κόσμο, νὰ βλέπουμε τὸν καθένα μ’ αὐτή τὴν δικαιοσύνη· ὄχι κρίνοντας καὶ καταδικάζοντας, ἀλλά νὰ βλέπουμε σε κάθε πρόσωπο τὴν ὀμορφιά πού ὁ Θεός ἐντύπωσε πάνω σ’αὐτόν, καὶ πού ὀνομάζουμε «εἰκόνα τοῦ Θεοῦ στὸν ἄνθρωπο». Νὰ σεβαστοῦμε αὐτή τὴν ὀμορφιά, νὰ δουλέψουμε γιά νὰ λάμψει σ΄ ὅλη της τὴν δόξα, διαλύοντας αὐτό ποὺ εἶναι κακό καὶ σκοτάδι και νὰ τὸ κάνουμε δυνατό, ἀναγνωρίζοντας ὀμορφιά στὸν καθένα, γιά να γίνει ἡ ομορφιά πραγματικότητα καὶ νὰ νικήσει.
Μᾶς δίδαξε τῆν ἀγάπη πού στὴν ἀρχαιότητα ἀγνοοῦσαν, καὶ ὁ σύγχρονος κόσμος, ὅπως κι ὁ παλιός, τὸν φοβᾶται: μιά ἀγάπη ποὺ δέχεται νὰ εἶναι εὐάλωτη, ἀβοήθητη, δοτική, θυσιαστική· μιά ἀγάπη ποὺ δίνει χωρίς να μετρᾶ, μιά ἀγάπη ποὺ δίνει ὄχι μόνο ὅ,τι κατέχει ἀλλά τὸν ἑαυτό της. Αὐτό εἶναι ποὺ τὸ Εὐαγγέλιο, ἡ ἐνανθρώπιση, ἔφερε στὸν κόσμο, καὶ παρέμεινε στὸν κόσμο. Ὁ Χριστός εἶπε: «τὸ φῶς λάμπει στὸ σκοτάδι καὶ τὸ σκοτάδι δὲν μπορεῖ να τὸ καταλάβει», ἀλλά δὲν μπορεῖ να τὸ ἐκδιώξει. Κι αὐτό τὸ φῶς λάμπει καὶ θὰ νικήσει ἀλλά μόνο ἄν ἀναλάβουμε να γίνουμε οἱ κήρυκες και αὐτοί που ὑλοποιοῦν τις ἐντολές τῆς δικαιοσύνης και τῆς ἀγάπης, ἄν δεχτοῦμε την θεϊκή ὀπτική τοῦ κόσμου καὶ φέρουμε σ’αυτόν τὴν πίστη μας, γιατί αυτή εἶναι ἡ βεβαιότητα καὶ ἡ ἐλπίδα μας, αὐτή εἶναι ἡ μόνη δύναμη ποὺ μπορεῖ να βοηθήσει κι ἄλλους νὰ ἀναγεννηθούν· ἀλλά γιὰ να ξαναγεννηθεῖ πρέπει να δεῖ τὴν ἀναγέννηση σε μᾶς.
Ὁ κόσμος μπορεῖ νὰ αρχίσει νὰ ἀναγεννᾶται, με μιά ἕνωση τοῦ Θεοῦ με τὸν ἄνθρωπο, ὅταν ὁ Λόγος πῆρε σάρκα· ἦταν γιά μᾶς μιά ἀποκάλυψη ανανέωσης, μεγαλοπρέπειας και λάμψης του Θεού στο σκοτάδι και τὴν σκοτεινιά αὐτοῦ τοῦ κόσμου.
Μακάρι νὰ μᾶς χαρίσει ὁ Θεός ἀνδρεία καὶ ἀγάπη καὶ μεγαλεῖο ψυχῆς να γίνουμε ἀγγελιαφόροι Του καὶ μάρτυρες Του, καὶ μακάρι το ἔλεος τοῦ Κυρίου να εἶναι μαζί σας καὶ ἡ ἀγάπη καὶ ἡ χάρη Του γιὰ τὴν ἀνθρωπότητα ὁλόκληρη, τώρα καὶ πάντα μέχρι το τέλος τοῦ κόσμου.
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Πρωτότυπο Κείμενο
1985, January 13
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
In imagination we think ourselves 2000 years back. What wonder should fill us: a week, and the world has become different. The world that had been for thousands of years like the lost sheep was now the sheep found, taken upon His shoulders by the Son of God become the son of man. The unbridgeable gap that sin had created between God and man was now at least incipiently bridged; God had entered into history, God Himself had become man. God had taken flesh and all things visible, what we perceive in our blindness as dead, inert matter, could in His body recognise itself in glory. Something absolutely new had occurred; the world was no longer the same.
Moreover, there is another aspect to the Incarnation. God had become man, but God in Christ had spoken words of truth, that was decisive, that gradually like yeast dropped into dough was to change the world; God had revealed to us the greatness of man. Christ becoming man was evidence, is and will remain forever evidence, that man is so vast, so deep, so mysteriously deep, that he can not only contain the divine presence as a temple, but unite himself with God, “become partaker of the divine nature”, as St. Peter puts it in his Epistle. And again that man is great, and that however far we fall away from our vocation, however unworthy we may become of it, God will never re-establish with us a relationship which is less than that of His fatherhood and our condition of sons and daughters of the Most High. The prodigal son was asking his father to receive him as a hireling now that he was unworthy of being called a son; but the father did not accept it. When the son made his confession, the father stopped him before he could even pronounce those words, because God does not accept our debasement, we are no slaves and no hirelings. Has not Christ said to His disciples, \”I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know the will of his master, and lo, I have told you everything.\”
Again, the proclamation in Christ and by Him that what matters supremely is every person, that He lives and dies for every one of us, that it is not collective units that matter, but each of us. Each of us, tells us the Book of Revelation, possesses for God a name, a name which will be revealed to us at the end of time, but a name which no one can know but God and he who receives it, because this name is our relationship to God, unique, unrepeatable. Each of us is unique for Him. What a wonder! The ancient world knew of nations and races, it knew of slaves and owners, it knew of categories of people, exactly in the same way in which the modern world that is gradually becoming not only secular but pagan, distinguishes categories and types and groups; God knows only living men and women.
And then a new justice was introduced, or rather proclaimed by Him, not the distributive and retributive justice of the law, another justice. When Christ says to us, \”let your justice be beyond that of the scribes and pharisees,\” He speaks of the way in which God treats each of us. He accepts each of us as we are. He accepts good and evil, He rejoices in the good, and He dies because of and for the sake of what is evil. And that is what God calls us to remember, and how He calls us to be and to behave – not only within our Christian circle but in the whole world, to look at every person with that kind of justice; not judging and condemning, but seeing in each person the beauty which God has impressed upon it and which we call \”the image of God in man\”. Venerate this beauty, work for this beauty to shine in all glory, dispelling what is evil and dark and making it possible, by the recognition of beauty in each other, for this beauty to become reality and to conquer.
He has taught us also about love which the ancient world did not know, and the modern world, like the old one, is so afraid of: A love that accepted to be vulnerable, helpless, giving, sacrificial; a love that gives without counting, a love that gives not only what it possesses, but itself. That is what the Gospel, that is what the Incarnation brought into the world, and this has remained in the world. Christ said that \”the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot comprehend it,\” but it cannot put it out either. And this light shines and shall shine, but it will conquer only if we undertake to be its heralds and the doers of these commandments of justice and of love, if we accept God\’s vision of the world and bring to it our faith, that is, our certainty and our hope, which is the only power that can help others to start anew; but to start anew they must see newness in us. The world has become incipiently new by the union of God with man, when the Word became flesh; it is for us to be a revelation of this newness, the resplendence and shining of God in the darkness or the dusk of this world.
May God grant us courage and love and greatness of heart to be His messengers and His witnesses, and may the blessing of the Lord be upon you by His grace and love towards mankind always, now and forever and world without end. Amen.