29 Ὀκτωβρίου 1989
Πόσο οἰκεία, καὶ πόσο ἁπλή μᾶς φαίνεται ἡ σημερινὴ Παραβολὴ τοῦ σπόρου καὶ τοῦ σπορέως· καὶ ὅμως πόσο σχετικὴ εἶναι μέ μᾶς, πόσο περισσότερο θὰ πρέπει νὰ τὴν σκεφτοῦμε. Λησμονοῦμε τὴν εἰκόνα τοῦ σπορέα καὶ τοῦ σπόρου, ὅπως φαίνεται μέσα ἀπὸ τὴν παραβολή, δὲν βλέπουμε τὴν εἰκόνα τοῦ Χριστοῦ νὰ περπατάει στοὺς δρόμους καὶ τὰ μονοπάτια τῆς Γαλιλαίας καὶ τῆς Ἰουδαίας· καὶ παντοῦ ὅπου πῆγε, οἱ ἄνθρωποι ἔρχονταν στὴν ἄκρη τοῦ δρόμου, ἐπειδὴ εἶχαν ἀκούσει, ὅπως εἶχε ἀκούσει ὁ Τυφλός, γιὰ τὸν ὁποῖο μιλάει ὁ Ἀπόστολος Μάρκος, ὅτι ἦταν Δάσκαλος, ὅτι τὰ λόγια του ἦταν ἀληθινά, ὅτι ἔφεραν τὴν δύναμη τῆς ζωῆς.
Καὶ οἱ ἄνθρωποι ἦρθαν καὶ γέμισαν τοὺς δρόμους καὶ ἄκουσαν. Κάποιοι ἦταν ἕτοιμοι γιὰ τὸ μήνυμα τῆς σωτηρίας· κάποιοι ἀγωνιοῦσαν, καὶ ἔκαναν στὸν ἑαυτὸ τους ἐρωτήσεις ποὺ μέχρι τότε κανεὶς δὲν μποροῦσε νὰ ἀπαντήσει. Ἀλλὰ ἦλθαν ἄλλοι ἄνθρωποι, ὅπως τόσοι πολλοὶ ἔρχονται τώρα σ’ ἕναν ἱερέα, σ’ ἕναν εὐαγγελιστή, σ’ ἕναν ἡγέτη ὁποιασδήποτε παράταξης, ἦλθαν νὰ δοῦν ἕνα ἄνθρωπο ποὺ κάποιος τοὺς μίλησε γι’ αὐτόν, ν’ ἀκούσουν τί εἶχε νὰ πεῖ. Δὲν ἀπαντοῦσε σὲ καμία ἀπὸ τὶς ἐρωτήσεις τους, δὲν ἱκανοποιοῦσε καμία ἀπὸ τὶς ἀνάγκες τους, ἐκτὸς ἴσως ἀπὸ τὴν ἐπιθυμία νὰ δοῦν κάποιον ποὺ ἦταν ξεχωριστός, κάποιον μοναδικὸ γιὰ τὴν ἐποχή του. Ἄκουσαν τὸν λόγο Του, ἀλλὰ δὲν τὸν κράτησαν μέσα τους, τὸν βρῆκαν ὄμορφο, ἀληθινὸ – ἀλλὰ δὲν πῆγαν πιὸ πέρα. Ἄκουσαν λόγια, δὲν ἄκουσαν τὴν κραυγὴ τῆς ψυχῆς τους ποὺ πεινοῦσε γιὰ λόγο ἀληθείας.
Ἔτσι ὅταν Ἐκεῖνος εἶχε διαβεῖ, ὅλοι ἐπέστρεψαν στὶς συνηθισμένες τους ἀσχολίες, στὴν κανονική τους ζωή. Θὰ μποροῦσαν νὰ ἔχουν πάει στὸ σπίτι καὶ νὰ ἔχουν ἐπαναλάβει αὐτὰ τὰ λόγια, λέγοντας: «Δὲν ἦταν θαυμάσια; Δὲν μίλησε ὡραία;» – καὶ ἔπειτα ἐπέστρεψαν στὴν συνηθισμένη, καθημερινὴ ζωή τους…
Ἄλλοι ποὺ στάθηκαν στὴν ἄκρη τοῦ δρόμου, δέχτηκαν τὸ μήνυμα μὲ συγκίνηση, κάτι ἀναδεύτηκε στὴν καρδιά, στὸ μυαλό τους, τοὺς ἔδωσε ἀπάντηση σὲ κάτι. Καὶ τὸ δέχτηκαν, τὸ ἀγκαλίασαν, καὶ ἐπέστρεψαν στὴν οἰκία τους· ἀλλὰ τὴν στιγμὴ ποὺ δὲν ἦταν πιὰ στὸν δρόμο, τοὺς κυρίευσαν οἱ ἀνησυχίες τοῦ σπιτιοῦ τους: ὑπῆρχαν τόσα πράγματα στὴν ζωή τους νὰ κάνουν, νὰ σκεφτοῦν, δὲν ὑπῆρχε καιρὸς νὰ συλλογιστοῦν ξανὰ καὶ ξανὰ τὰ λόγια ποὺ εἶχαν ἀκούσει, δὲν ὑπῆρχε καιρὸς νὰ καθίσουν μὲ ἠρεμία καὶ νὰ φανταστοῦν τὸ πρόσωπο ποὺ εἶχαν δεῖ, νὰ ξαναθυμηθοῦν τὴν φωνὴ ποὺ εἶχαν ἀκούσει.
Ὑπάρχει ἄλλη μία παραβολὴ ποὺ μιλᾶ γιὰ ἐκείνους ποὺ εἶχαν κληθεῖ στὸ Γαμήλιο Βασιλικὸ Δεῖπνο: ἄκουσαν τὸ κάλεσμα, ἤξεραν ὅτι εἶχαν κληθεῖ προσωπικὰ – ἀλλὰ μπόρεσαν νὰ πᾶνε; Ὁ ἕνας εἶχε ἀγοράσει ἕναν ἀγρό, ἦταν ριζωμένος σ’ αὐτόν, δεμένος μὲ αὐτόν, φυλακισμένος· ἄλλοι εἶχαν ἀγοράσει πέντε ζευγάρια βόδια – ἔπρεπε νὰ τὰ δοκιμάσουν, ἔπρεπε κάτι νὰ κάνουν στὴ ζωή, ἕνα ἐπάγγελμα, μία ἐργασία- ἢ ἁπλὰ κάτι ποὺ ἐπειδὴ ἀφορᾶ τὴν προσωπική μας ζωή, ἔχει πολὺ μεγάλη σημασία, ὅπως ἡ τελευταία περίπτωση ἐκείνου ποὺ εἶχε παντρευτεῖ- πῶς μποροῦσε νὰ ξοδέψει χρόνο γιὰ κάποιον ἄλλον;
Αὐτοὶ εἶναι οἱ ἄνθρωποι ποὺ δέχονται τὸν λόγο τοῦ Θεοῦ, ποὺ τὸν δέχονται ἀληθινὰ στὴν καρδιά τους, ἀλλὰ ὑπάρχουν τόσα πολλὰ πράγματα ποὺ ἔχουν σημασία – θὰ τὸ κάνουμε αὔριο, ἤ, ἂν μπορούσαμε μοναχὰ νὰ ἀλλάζαμε τὸ μήνυμα τοῦ Κυρίου μὲ ἕνα πιὸ ἐφικτό, πιὸ ἁπλό, νὰ μὴν εἶναι τόσο ἀπόλυτο ὅσο αὐτό.
Καὶ ἔπειτα, ἐκεῖνοι ποὺ δέχονται τὸν λόγο τοῦ Θεοῦ, ὅπως ἡ πλούσια γῆ ποὺ θὰ μποροῦσε νὰ λάβει τὸ μήνυμα τῆς σωτηρίας, δέχονται τὸν σπόρο καὶ καρποφοροῦν. Ἐκεῖνοι οἱ ἄνθρωποι δὲν ἦταν ἁπλὰ καλύτεροι ἄνθρωποι, πιθανὸν δὲν ἦταν καλύτεροι· ἦταν ἄνθρωποι ποὺ εἶχαν ἕνα ἐρώτημα στὸ νοῦ καὶ τὴν καρδιά, ἄνθρωποι ποὺ εἶχαν καημό, ποὺ ἡ καθημερινὴ ζωὴ τους ἦταν πολὺ περιορισμένη, μικρή, ἄνθρωποι ποὺ εἶχαν συναίσθηση ὅτι ἡ ψυχὴ τους εἶναι ἀπέραντη, καὶ δὲν μποροῦσε νὰ γεμίσει ἀπὸ τὰ ἀσήμαντα τῆς καθημερινότητας- οὔτε κἄν ἀπὸ τὰ εὐγενικὰ καὶ καλὰ πράγματα τῆς ζωῆς: ἀποδέχτηκαν τὸ μήνυμα βαθιὰ μέσα στὴν καρδιά τους, καὶ αὐτὸ ἐπειδὴ ἔδωσε ἀπάντηση στὶς ἀνάγκες τους, ἡ ζωὴ τους καρποφόρησε.
Τώρα ἂς τὸ ἐφαρμόσουμε στὴν δική μας ζωή· πόσοι ἀπὸ ἐμᾶς ἀκοῦν τὰ λόγια τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου, τὰ λόγια τοῦ κηρύγματος, μελετοῦν βιβλία ἐνδιαφέροντα μὲ βάθος καὶ τὰ διατηροῦν στὴ μνήμη τους, τὰ χαίρονται- ἀλλὰ μέχρι ἐκεῖ· μποροῦν νὰ τὰ ἐπαναλάβουν, νὰ τὰ μεταδώσουν στοὺς ἄλλους,- ἀλλὰ αὐτὸ εἶναι ὅλο.
Καὶ ὑπάρχουν τόσοι πολλοὶ ἀπὸ ἐμᾶς ποὺ ἔλαβαν τὸ μήνυμα μὲ ἐνθουσιασμό, μὲ πάθος, γνωρίζοντας ὅτι εἶναι πράγματι ἡ ἀπάντηση στὴν λαχτάρα, τὴν πείνα, τὸ μεγαλεῖο ποὺ ὑπάρχει μέσα μας· ἀλλ’ ὅμως ἡ ζωὴ εἶναι τόσο σύνθετη, ἔχουμε τόσα πράγματα νὰ κάνουμε! Καὶ σ’ ὅλη τούτη τὴν πολυπλοκότητα καὶ τὸ καθημερινὸ «γίγνεσθαι», τὰ λόγια ποὺ ἀκούσαμε, παραμερίζονται- γιὰ μιὰ ἄλλη μέρα, γιὰ μιὰ ἄλλη φορά, ὅταν θὰ εἶμαι ἀρκετὰ μεγάλος γιὰ νὰ ἔχω ὁποιεσδήποτε ἀνησυχίες: τότε θὰ μπορῶ νὰ στραφῶ πίσω καὶ νὰ θυμηθῶ ἐκείνη τὴν λαμπρὴ στιγμὴ ποὺ ἡ ζωὴ ξεδίπλωσε ὅλο τὸ μεγαλεῖο της..- τὴν κρατῶ στὴν μνήμη μου!
Τί συμβαίνει μέ μᾶς, δεχόμαστε τὸ μήνυμα καὶ αὐτὸ καρποφορεῖ μέσα μας;
Πῶς μπορεῖ τὸ μήνυμα νὰ μᾶς ἀγγίξει; Θυμᾶμαι ἕναν Ρῶσο ἱερέα νὰ μοῦ λέει· «μελετῶ καθημερινὰ τὸ Εὐαγγέλιο καὶ πολὺ σπάνια ἡ ζωή μου ἀνταποκρίνεται σ’ αὐτό. Ἀλλὰ τὸ μελετάω καθημερινὰ γιατί δὲν γνωρίζω ποτὲ κατὰ πόσο σήμερα, αὔριο ἢ κάποια ἄλλη ἡμέρα θὰ εἶμαι ἡ ἄγονη πλευρὰ τοῦ δρόμου ἢ τὰ ἀγριόχορτα, κατὰ πόσο τοῦτος ὁ λόγος θὰ πέσει σὲ ἕνα μικρὸ κομμάτι γῆς μέσα μου, ἱκανὸ νὰ τὸν δεχτεῖ καὶ νὰ φέρει καρπούς».
Δὲν εἶναι τόσο ἁπλό, τόσο ἐνθαρρυντικό; Ὅλοι μας βρισκόμαστε καὶ στὶς τρεῖς περιπτώσεις ποὺ περιγράφονται στὴν παραβολὴ τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου· ἀλλὰ ἐὰν δώσουμε μιὰ εὐκαιρία στὸν Κύριο ποὺ μιλάει, στὸν Κύριο ποὺ διαβαίνει ἀπὸ τὴν ζωή μας, ποὺ κρούει τὴν πόρτα τῆς καρδιᾶς μας – ἀπὸ καιρὸ σὲ καιρὸ θὰ δεχτοῦμε τὸ μήνυμα μὲ χαρά· μὲ τὸν καιρό, θὰ φθάσει στὸ βάθος τῆς καρδιά μας, στὸν πυρήνα τῆς ζωῆς μας καὶ θὰ εἶναι ἡ ἀπάντηση ποὺ θὰ τὴν ἀλλάξει.
Ἑπομένως, ἂς ἀκοῦμε μέρα μὲ τὴ μέρα τὰ λόγια τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου· ἂς ἀκοῦμε τὴ φωνὴ τῆς συνείδησής μας, ἂς ἀκοῦμε τί μᾶς λέει ὁ βαθύτερος ἐαυτός μας γιὰ τὴν ζωή, τὴν ἀλήθεια, τὴν πραγματικότητα· καὶ ἀπὸ καιρὸ σὲ καιρό, θὰ ἔχουμε τὸ γόνιμο ἔδαφος ποὺ νὰ μπορεῖ νὰ φέρει καρπούς.
Αὐτὴ ἡ παραβολή, ἡ τόσο ἁπλή, ἡ τόσο ξεκάθαρη, ἂν μοναχὰ τὴν ἐφαρμόσουμε, μπορεῖ νὰ εἶναι τὸ ξεκίνημα μιᾶς νέας ζωῆς. Ἀμήν.
The Parable of the Sower
29 October 1989
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
How familiar, and how simple seems to us, appears to us today\’s parable of the seed and of the sower; and yet, how relevant it is to us, and how much more thought we should give to it. We forget the setting itself of the parable, the imagery of the sower and the seed, and we dont see in it an image of Christ, walking along the roads and the paths of Galilee and Judea; and everywhere He went, people came to the roadside because they have heard, as the Blind Man have heard of whom Saint Marc reports, that He was a Teacher, that His words were true, that they had in them a power of life.
And people came, and lined the roads, and lined the streets, and listened. Some were prepared for the message; some have been in an agony of mind, have been asking themselves questions which hitherto no one have been able to answer. But others came, as so many people come now to a preacher, to an evangelist, to a leader of any side, came to see a man of whom one spoke, and to listen to what he had to say. He was not answering any of their questions, He was not meeting any of their needs, except perhaps the desire to see someone that was outstanding, someone unique in his time. They heard the word, but it fell at their ears, they find it beautiful, lovely, true – but it did not go beyond this. They were listening to words, they were not listening to the cry of their own soul that was hungry for words of truth.
And so, when He had passed, they all returned to what was their ordinary, their normal life. They might have gone home and repeated these words, saying, Wasn\’t it lovely? Did He speak well? – and then they went back to what was life, ordinary life, day-to-day life…
Others, who had come to the roadside, received the message with emotion, it stirred something in their hearts, something in their minds, it answered something in them. And they received it and hugged it to themselves, and returned home; but the moment they were no longer by the road, at home, the concerns of home overwhelmed them: there was so much to do, so much to think about, there was so much in life, there was no time to reflect again and again on the words heard, there was no time to sit quietly and to look in imagination at the face they had seen, to rehearse the voice they have heard.
We have another parable about those who have been called to the Bridal Feast of the King: they heard a call, they knew they were called personally – but could they go? The one had bought a field, he was rooted in it, tied to it, a prisoner of it; others have bought five pairs of oxen – they had to try them, they had something to do in life, a vocation, a job, something great – or something simply that matters supremely in a personal way, as the last one: he had taken a bride – how could he spend time for anyone else?
Those are the people who receive the word, who receive it truly, in their heart, but there are so many things that matter – tomorrow will do, or, if we only could reduce the message to something liveable, simple, not to the absoluteness of it!
And then, those who receive the message, like the rich soil that could receive the message, receive a seed and bear fruit. Those people were not simply better people, they probably were not better people; they were people who had a question in their mind and heart, people who had a longing, people for whom their daily life was too narrow, too small, people who were aware that their soul was deep, and vast and could not be filled with the trivialities – or even the noble, the good things of life: they received the message, they took it to heart, deep into them, and they bore fruit because it was answering a need.
Now, we can apply it to ourselves: how many of us listen to the words of the Gospel, listen to the words of preaching, read books that are full of interest and depth, and they store it in their memory, they enjoy it – but that is the end; they can quote it, they can pass it on to others, – but that is all.
And there are so many of us who have received the message with enthusiasm, with passion, knowing that this message is an answer to all there is in us of longing, of hunger, of greatness, indeed; but then, life is so complex, there is so much to do! And in all this doing, in all this complexity the words is left aside – for another time, for another day, when I will be old enough not to have any concerns: then I can turn back to this glorious moment when life unfolded itself in all its splendour – I keep it in my memory!
What about us, receiving the message and bearing fruit?
But how does this message reach us? I remember a Russian priest saying to me, вЂI read the Gospel daily, and I respond to it very seldom. But I read it daily because I never know whether today, or tomorrow, or on another day I will be the barren roadside, or the weeds by the way, or, of a sudden, whether this word will not fall on a small patch in me which is capable of receiving it and bearing fruit.
Isn\’t that simple, isn\’t that encouraging? We all are the three things described in the parable of the Gospel; but if we give a chance to God Who speaks, to God, Who passes through our life, to God Who knocks at our heart – from time to time we will receive the message with joy and let go of it; but from time to time it will reach a depth in our heart, a core of our life and be the answer that will change it.
Let us therefore listen, listen to the words of the Gospel day in and day out; listen to the voice of our conscience, listen to what the deepest self says to us about life, about truth, about reality; and from time to time we will have been the good ground that can bear fruit.
This parable, so simple, so clear, if we only apply it, can be a beginning of a new life. Amen.